The Western Sydney Business Centre (WSBC), who delivers the Business Connect Program in South West Sydney, are pleased to announce a joint partnership between Western Sydney University (WSU), Liverpool City Council and WSBC that will see business advice being delivered from the University’s Launch Pad situated at 33 Moore Street Liverpool.


The service will commence on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 and will be available to assist Liverpool’s small businesses every Tuesday by appointment.


Don Wright, Manager Launch Pad’s WSU, Sean OKE from Liverpool City Council and John Todd Executive Officer of the WSBC, see this partnership as a vital step in assisting small business(start ups or existing) and gives any business access to advice no matter what the issue is, but also with the backup of WSU for technology based innovators with links to experts and researchers, scientific testing equipment for prototyping and  R & D Support.


The Business Connect program(a NSW Government initiative)  provides up to 4 free hours of advice on issues such as Marketing, Planning, Digital, Social Media and Sales, and also provides a comprehensive list of diagnostics plus many other tools to assist the small business owner.


To make an appointment, please telephone your local advisor Kerrie Elliott on 0490 293 269