Article by Jane Tweedy, Business Advisor, Western Sydney Business Centre


How well do you know your industry competitors or peers? Have you looked into connecting with your industry? It may be just what you’re looking for, especially if you work alone. You can treat those in your industry as one of two things – friend or foe. Treating them as genuine friends will likely serve you better in the long run.



Last weekend I had the pleasure of speaking at #CopyCon18, The Clever Copywriting School Conference. The room was buzzing, with 150 copywriters, and a few extras like me along for the ride! The event allowed copywriters (also known as wordsmiths, content strategists and business writers), who are often quite introverted and work from home, to network with their fellow copywriters, learn from presenters on topics relevant to their business, and most importantly feel part of a community.


You are not alone

Over and over I heard people post event comment how glad they were they came along, and ventured outside their comfort zone. How they met peers that they could share their concerns with, and realise they are not alone on their sole proprietor journey. Many found new people to share work with when they’re overloaded, out of their depth or simply need to take a break.


Sharing is caring

Little kids are taught at preschool that sharing is caring. Somewhere along the way we can forget this, and become self-absorbed and all about ourselves. We start to look on others as competitors we must beat. This is often counter-productive. If you act as if there is enough work to go around for everyone, you’ll find there probably is more than enough.


Government Services

For me, even though I presented under my business, it was a fabulous opportunity to make people aware of the Government services available including the NSW Business Connect service, we at Western Sydney Business Centre provide. Many will benefit not only from utilising the service themselves, but also referring leads from people that aren’t quite ready for their service and who need to sort out their business first.


Have you heard of the Business Connect service?

Business Connect is a NSW Government funded service helping intending or existing small business owners and key staff to address any concerns with their business, and learn new skills through workshops. Please make an appointment to see one of our business advisors for up to four hours business advice at no cost with no catches under the NSW Government Business Connect program! Book now!