Article by Emma Gosper, Digital Advisor, Western Sydney Business Centre


Social Platforms are constantly updating and upgrading to create better user experience. Here are a few recent changes you may have missed and how to take advantage of them.


Facebook Covers

Business Pages now have the opportunity to use a 20-90 second video instead of a regular image in the cover photo. Your cover photo is “prime real estate” when it comes to your Facebook page so make the most of it and create an engaging, eye catching video.


Facebook Stories

Similar to Snapchat and Instagram, Facebook now offers the opportunity for its users to upload stories to their Facebook page. It’s starting to look like Instagram and Facebook are slowly starting to eliminate Snapchat, which can benefit those who use all platforms, meaning less posting work.


Instagram Story Stickers

Hashtag and location stickers are available for Instagram stories. This means you and your customers can now tag your business location or hashtag, and viewers can tap on the stickers to “see location” to see a map or “see hashtag” to view all images connected to that hashtag.


Instagram Story Links

You also now have the opportunity to include a link with the ability for viewers to swipe up and be directly taken to your chosen link. Currently, this is only available for verified Instagram users.


Instagram Story Ads

You may have noticed when watching through instagram stories, a business ad may appear between stories. As a business, you have the opportunity to do this too, and with over 250 million daily users for stories, it’s worth adding it into your marketing strategy. Set up a campaign through your Facebook Ads manager and when selecting placements choose Instagram. You can also still select your audience and other demographics when setting up this campaign.



All social platforms are constantly changing their algorithm (the way the socials work, for example, chronological posts on a news feed) which means that we need to ensure we stay relevant and noticed throughout the changes. Keep your branding and posts consistent, so you don’t get lost amongst all the noise.