Grow from side hustle to small business using AI

digital couple home computer
18th February 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

We’ll focus on common low-cost, home-based side hustles and startups, such as online/market stall businesses, project work or consulting in your field of expertise and bookable tours and experiences. We explore ways to ‘ramp-up’ your marketing and build a workable strategy for a solo-entrepreneur. AI prompts will be shared with participants after the session with the recording.

In this webinar, we’ll share best-practice tips to grow your side hustle using AI tools for marketing.

Key takeaways:

  • Small business start-up advice and insider/ industry case studies.
  • Marketing fundamentals – how to combine the art with the science.
  • Overview of how AI tools can be used and crafting effective prompts.

Presenter: Viktoria Darabi – Viktoria’s superpower is helping small businesses turn food, beverage, culinary and tourism trends into profits. She provides practical buyer behaviour, brand-building marketing insights and strategies, creating emotional connections. Sharing mindset, critical and innovative thinking skills she integrates AI as a marketing tool. Her Le Cordon Bleu Master of Gastronomic Tourism and three decades of experience have honed her to spot trends in entrepreneurship, marketing, tourism and gastronomy.

About this webinar:

  • This webinar is aimed at small businesses within Western Sydney NSW, and has a capacity to host up to 50 attendees.
  • This webinar is for business owners who have just started a business or have an established business.
  • This webinar will take place on Zoom, click above to book. You will receive the Zoom link in the confirmation email.
  • Eligible business customers can access up to 8 hours of free support per financial year, which includes business advice sessions and events.
  • This webinar will be recorded but only live attendees will receive the recording after.

This session is provided through Service NSW Business Connect program.

Service NSW Business Connect provides free, independent, tailored business advice from experienced advisors in one‑on‑one sessions. We offer practical insights and business skills development. Services also include events and resources on a range of topics for small business.

business connect

Western Sydney Business Centre is an approved independent provider for Service NSW Business Connect until June 2025.

To be eligible to register and book for a Service NSW Business Connect workshop or webinar, you will need to register with Service NSW Business Connect. Please click the button below to be directed to the Service NSW Business Connect website where you can register your details.


business connect

Business Connect

This session is provided through Service NSW Business Connect program.

Service NSW Business Connect provides free, independent, tailored business advice from experienced advisors in one‑on‑one sessions. We offer practical insights and business skills development. Services also include events and resources on a range of topics for small business.

Western Sydney Business Centre is an approved independent provider for Service NSW Business Connect until June 2025.

To be eligible to register and book for a Service NSW Business Connect workshop or webinar, you will need to register with Service NSW Business Connect. Please click the button below to be directed to the Service NSW Business Connect website where you can register your details.



This webinar will take place on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link in the confirmation email.

Get Directions
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Our Channels

Correspondence: PO Box 4029, Penrith Westfield NSW 2750

Office Locations

We have Advisors available to meet you in our head office in Western Sydney and we also offer a mobile service to your place of business. Online sessions are also available.

Head Office
Suite 1, Level 1, 111 Henry Street,
Penrith NSW 2750

Area’s Serviced: Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, Blacktown, Hills, Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Wollondilly, Camden, Cumberland and everywhere in between.