Securing your first 10 customers

health yoga women
19th February 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Starting a new business and need to start building your customer base? This webinar is tailored to new business owners (particular online/service-based businesses) who are setting out to start selling their product or service and gain their first few customers. Before over-investing in designing websites, logos and other fancy marketing material, your initial goal should be simple: get your first 10 customers. How quickly you can get to 10 customers will give you a strong indication of the demand for your offer, and whether you need to optimise things like the product itself, pricing, etc. This will ensure the money is flowing in from the start and you’re in not over-investing too early. Good cash flow can make or break a business!

This webinar is tailored to new business owners (particular online/service-based businesses) who are setting out to start selling their product or service and gain their first few customers.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Why your first 10 customers are crucial in evaluating your offer and understanding demand.
  • Some simple strategies to get to your first 10 customers (without overinvesting).
  • How to ask for constructive feedback from your first few customers to optimise your offers.

Presenter: Kyriae Simpson – brings her experience of over 12 years in Marketing and sales roles at Lindt and Nestle. Kyriae has over 12 years experience in corporate Marketing managing successful brands in large global companies, along with operating various small family owned businesses. Kyriae’s corporate background has provided formal training in building strong marketing, financial and sales based plans and can apply this to helping your small business. With specific experience in the retail, finance and the professional services sector, Kyriae’s focus is on getting the basics right and setting your business up for profitable growth, whilst also advising on how to develop a strong marketing plan.

About this webinar:

  • This webinar is aimed at small businesses throughout Western Sydney, and has a capacity to host up to 50 attendees
  • This webinar is for those to intend to a new business, or just started a business
  • This webinar will take place on Zoom, click above to book. You will receive the Zoom link in the confirmation email
  • Attending and logging into the live zoom will come out of your allocated business connect hours.
  • This webinar will be recorded but only live attendees will receive the recording after.

This session is provided through Service NSW Business Connect program.

Service NSW Business Connect provides free, independent, tailored business advice from experienced advisors in one‑on‑one sessions. We offer practical insights and business skills development. Services also include events and resources on a range of topics for small business.

business connect

Western Sydney Business Centre is an approved independent provider for Service NSW Business Connect until June 2025.

To be eligible to register and book for a Service NSW Business Connect workshop or webinar, you will need to register with Service NSW Business Connect. Please click the button below to be directed to the Service NSW Business Connect website where you can register your details.


business connect

Business Connect

This session is provided through Service NSW Business Connect program.

Service NSW Business Connect provides free, independent, tailored business advice from experienced advisors in one‑on‑one sessions. We offer practical insights and business skills development. Services also include events and resources on a range of topics for small business.

Western Sydney Business Centre is an approved independent provider for Service NSW Business Connect until June 2025.

To be eligible to register and book for a Service NSW Business Connect workshop or webinar, you will need to register with Service NSW Business Connect. Please click the button below to be directed to the Service NSW Business Connect website where you can register your details.



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Our Channels

Correspondence: PO Box 4029, Penrith Westfield NSW 2750

Office Locations

We have Advisors available to meet you in our head office in Western Sydney and we also offer a mobile service to your place of business. Online sessions are also available.

Head Office
Suite 1, Level 1, 111 Henry Street,
Penrith NSW 2750

Area’s Serviced: Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, Blacktown, Hills, Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Wollondilly, Camden, Cumberland and everywhere in between.