Business Connect Advisor

Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted advice to help you start or grow your small business


Work Mobile:
0490 102 194

Main Area’s covered (geo):

The Hills, Blacktown


What is your role at WSBC & how long have you been with us?
Business Connect Advisor, 3 years


What qualifications and business experience do you have?
Masters of Applied Finance (with merit) MAF, Bachelor of Commerce and Administration BCA, Graduate of The Recipe for SEO Success, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Certificate IV in Small Business Management, NYIP Diploma in Professional Photography, plus completed many other training courses.
Has worked with small businesses through prior corporate roles and previously had a small property investment company, and tried out being a wedding photographer. In 2014 started a business helping people with resumes, and more recently have reinvented that into a new business. Also launched FAQ Business Training in direct response to the frustration of the amount of small business owners I had seen being ripped off. An active volunteer, running a Job Search group in Penrith and the Blue Mountains, a Max Potential Community Coach and director on the Hawkesbury Community Financial Services Ltd Board that runs the Bendigo Community Bank® in Richmond and North Richmond.


What is the best part/your favourite thing about your role?
I love helping people, it’s always been part of my DNA, and I love variety so the role is awesome for me.


What do you find most rewarding when helping small businesses?
Helping small business owners get through difficult situations and seeing them come out the other side with a great sustainable business. Helping business owners uncover what they almost had, but couldn’t quite achieve themselves.


What is your favourite inspirational quote?
I don’t have one, preferring to create my own that apply in the moment.


What is the best piece of advice you can give a potential or existing business owner?
If you’re unsure, ask for help. It’s better to fill in gaps than get stuck, or get ripped off.


What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?
Recently my life has been all about setting up my new businesses and speaking at various events like CopyCon and Wordcamp, which has the benefit of learning from the other speakers at them too. Luckily I love what I do, and happily stay up into the wee hours of the morning. When not doing business activities, I like exploring new places, even if that means being a tourist in my own town. In the summer love taking advantage of our pool, but my favourite thing to do is snorkel. I often balance a snorkelling trip with a trip to the theme parks (most years I hold a Dreamworld or Movieworld season pass – and I prefer to go without any kids in tow!).


Tell us your best joke:
I think my brain is so full with business stuff, I can never remember the punchlines of jokes! As a kiwi I think I become the joke, particularly when I say one of ‘those’ words.