Article by Emma Gosper, Digital Business Advisor, Western Sydney Business Centre


Social Media Content

It is no secret that social media is becoming the number one platform for small business marketing. But when you wear all the hats in your business, how can you ensure that your social media content is consistent and effective without spending too much valuable time creating it?


  • Take photos and videos of everything – behind the scenes, of your products, your service, your team, everything. There is no better content than real life business content, in real time.
  • Create your own quote images – design a template for quotes relating to your business, based on your business branding with your colours and logo. They’ll inspire as well as create a uniformed look among your feed and help you connect to your fans on a personal level.
  • Encourage user generated content – ask your customers and clients to take their own photos and upload it to their socials and tag you. Respond to the post and ‘repost’ it to your channels. It demonstrates that consumers are enjoying your product/service and its easy content for you, without any work involved.
  • Incorporate your other marketing into your social content – Do you write a blog for your business? Create a template like your quote template with a snippet of your blog and drive visitors back to your website to read the blog in full. It’s unique content, demonstrates your knowledge and drives traffic to your site.
  • Stockpile content – Spend a day creating content and have it ready to go (or schedule it). This way you have it ready to go whenever you need it, and you’re not scrambling to find content last minute to post for the sake of it. That’s when your content will lack in quality and consistency and can be your social downfall.
  • Ask for help – if you simply don’t have time to create content and manage your socials, ask for help from a Gen Y staff member, family member, or a Digital Business Advisor at our Centre.

Remember, consistency is key to a good social strategy, in both the content you create and when you’re posting your content.