Article written by Katina Jaye Beveridge, ASBAS Advisor, Western Sydney Business Centre

The coronavirus pandemic has prompted individuals and businesses to adopt measures that were previously thought of as impossible and forced brands to be more practical and resourceful when it comes to marketing.

With marketing budgets dropping to all-time lows and traditional marketing strategies no longer relevant during COVID-19, marketers turn to email marketing for sending out brand messages and maintaining transparency during this crisis.

Email marketing is a direct medium with a measurable ROI, which makes it a great tool for reaching out to customers even on lockdown. Plus, it’s free, which is an important factor for those who were greatly affected by the pandemic. In fact, recent data from HubSpot that 44% more emails are being sent during the lockdown than before the pandemic began.

Here are some ways email marketing can help you ride through this crisis:

  • Emails help you maintain transparency. Sending emails to your customers allows you to keep your target market updated how you’re dealing with the pandemic and what they can expect from your business. You can also include updated information regarding your operations, new policies, and how you can continue to support your customers.
  • You can help disseminate important information. In the time of fake news and anxiety due to misinformation, you can do your part by providing your customers with accurate and useful information they can use during the pandemic, such as hotline numbers they can call, special announcements, self-care tips, etc.
  • Offer your products and services at a distance. If you’ve decided to close down your business temporarily, you can still reach out and offer your products and services to your customers through email. You can include more details on your email compared to other platforms. This would ensure that your sales continue to grow while providing your customer’s needs despite social distancing.
  • Stay top of mind. You’ve probably heard about this: out of sight, out of mind. If you don’t stay in front of your customers, they will likely forget about you when things go back to normal. So to keep the familiarity and loyalty of your customers, send them emails regularly.


Email marketing is one of the effective ways to communicate with your customers despite the global lockdown. But with so many emails being sent out during this period, having an innovate and creative email strategy should help your brand stand out from the rest.